“Unprecedented times”, These are words that no doubt you have heard on your T.V, emitting from the radio or in conversation.
The phone stopped ,the emails stopped even spam stopped.
Operating as “Normal” stopped.
Routines changed , investments needed to be made, All while these “unprecedented” times continued in the fore front of every single one of us.
Is there help to be had ?
When will to come ?
Will we get there?
Is this the beginning of the end ?
And heaven forbid your family or friends “get it” maybe even you?
The phone rings…….” I would like you to cut my grass, But not sure if its allowed yet”…..” When this is over can you cut my hedge”……”Can we leave the lawn care until September “……”Are you still working”….
Unprecedented times, Working outside with no contact , washing hands even actually singing happy birthday to understand the time frame that was required to remain clean and safe from this strangle diseased environment.
The environment was however unaware of these unprecedented times as she lead my through true Spring with multi coloured blossoms from bulbs and hedges…The first butterfly of the year warming its wings ready for the off.
This beautiful environment that has enabled a small business continue, albeit a little slower than normal. Making it incredibly easy to self isolate during work, working locally so no journey was unnecessary .Adapt my business to suit the new “normal”
The “new normal”
People are beginning to put the pieces back together again after the last statements for the government, the roads are busy again , shops have pretty much a full stock and phone is ringing, emails are in the inbox and spam is back.
Our wings are dried, ready to fly into the “New Normal”